Jottings From Jazianzza Jazi is Buzzing About “Othering”

Greetings to our hive, wherever you happen to be flying about. Welcome to another Jottings from Jazianzza, our ongoing journey to spread the word about Bee-Coming Strong, Jazi’s memoir. We hope you have been able to stay comfortable with the heat and other weather challenges.

Jazi has wanted me to write about the concept of “othering” for quite a while now. Our old friend Google says, “Othering is the process of creating a distinction between an in-group and an out-group by emphasizing differences, which can lead to the stigmatization of the out-group. This can influence how people perceive and treat those who are viewed as being part of the in-group versus those who are seen as being part of the out-group.” Boy is that ever the truth! It seems our world is moving towards this way of compartmentalizing people more than ever. The obvious result is greater divisiveness, anger, and depression.

When the pandemic started, I found myself drawn to a wonderful South African elephant rescue organization called HERD. Almost all the elephants in this incredible elephant rehab are orphans from various traumatic backgrounds. I was particularly taken with how they all welcomed 2-year-old albino Khanyisa when she was introduced to the herd. They didn’t look at this little pink calf and trumpet their displeasure because she wasn’t like the rest of them. They didn’t turn their backs on her, wondering what was wrong with her. They gently and respectfully explored, smelled, and began to protect her. She’s become a vital part of this beautiful herd. If you’re interested, here’s a link from several years ago highlighting their compassionate concern for this little pink baby when she stumbles. I found their care for her deeply moving and hope you and your kiddos will, as well.

In addition, you and your children might love checking out this marvelous 13+ minute video of animals adopting other animal species… Tiger and piglets? Orangutan and tiger cub? Cat and raccoons? How’s that for inclusivity?

Jazianzza embodies this natural sense of inclusivity. Despite not looking anything like them, she’s friends with many, whether it be a butterfly, a tree, or even, eventually, a hornet! If we could help our young ones grow up appreciating our differences rather than separating, or “othering”, the world would be a much different place to live. This open and kind way of living life, coupled with her innate curiosity, makes Jazi strong. We might say it’s her superpower!

MamaQueenzieBee helped reinforce this way of bee-ing, saying, “You are an important part of everything. We all are. When you really know this, you will be much happier, and you won’t be so afraid anymore.”

We’re more alike than different. Everything, including animals, insects, trees, flowers, rocks, and human beings, is made of stardust. We’re basically all a part of one another. As Neil DeGrasse Tyson said, “Our solidarity is not a choice. It’s a reality. We’re all connected to each other biologically, to the earth chemically, and to the rest of the Universe atomically.” This reality takes the wind out of the “othering” sails, doesn’t it? I’m not saying that I don’t fall into this somewhat delusional way of separating myself from others, but especially lately, I’m consciously working with this. We’re all connected. If I have hatred or disgust for another, I’m only activating self-hatred and self-disgust. Consciously sending out thoughts of love and compassion feels so much better, and it’s the only way we can truly succeed in the age-old quest for peace.

We can all work together in our endeavors to create a better world, a world where inclusivity and kindness lead the way. We can do this, one thought at a time, one intention at a time. We’re all in this together, whether we’re aware of it or not. Our thoughts matter.

By the way, if you happen to be in Southern California on August 17, please stop by at 11:00 at Barnes & Noble in Huntington Beach (7881 Edinger Ave. #110) where we’ll do a book signing. Jazianzza now has her own stickers to give to all who come!

Wishing you a month of new opportunities for creating inclusivity and kindness, within yourself, your family, and the world!

We are all leaves of one tree. 

We are all waves of one sea.

- Thich Nhat Hanh

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