A summary

The story of
What is Yoga?
Yoga is the state of harmony of body, mind, and spirit. Hatha yoga, the physical movements called postures, release tension from the body and help us to relax. This is an essential starting point in practicing yoga. When the body is tense it contributes to turbulence in our mind and emotions. With regular practice, one quickly learns how to relax individual parts of the body and the body as a whole. This is a powerful skill that makes it possible to bring greater calm to our minds and emotions.
Yoga also teaches one to become aware of the breath. In our stress-filled world, most people breathe very shallowly. Yoga teaches simple breath practices that promote health and increase vitality. The breath also plays a major role in calming our mind and emotions, creating a sense of well-being, inner peace, and greater happiness.
In Jazianzza’s story, she learned that deep belly breathing practiced regularly was a great support to her when she faced danger. Her lesson is a good one for us all. When we are upset, angry, or frightened, we tend to hold our breath. If we are aware of tension in our bodies, when turbulent thoughts and emotions arise, we can take a few deep breaths and relax consciously relax our bodies. This helps us to get in touch with our inner strength and wisdom so that we can respond wisely to the upset or danger we face. Jazi practiced this when she suddenly came face to face with Queen Hemizill Hornet. Even though she was scared, she touched her inner strength, stayed present, and offered her glasses for the Queen’s daughter to try on. In the face of crisis, she acted wisely, turned an “enemy” into a friend, and brought safety and great joy to her community.
During my almost 40 years at the Yoga Center of California (, I have learned and practiced hatha yoga, deep relaxation, breathing practices, and meditation. Because we are each unique, Ramakrishna Ananda, a master yogi who founded the Yoga Center in 1970, teaches different forms of yoga to help people develop practices that best suit their individual natures.
Beyond supporting physical and mental/emotional relaxation, the spiritual teachings of yoga help us get in touch with the true self – our higher consciousness. Because yoga is not a religion, people of all religious paths, as well as those who are not religious find practices that support their personal journey.
Yoga plays an essential role in my life. It has brought me to a wholeness that I never considered possible. I have learned to recognize the instrumental ways my early life challenges have formed who I am today. Instead of holding onto a lingering
bitterness or anger about situations, yoga has empowered me to release those turbulent emotions. Through regular practice I have become a deeper and, ultimately, much happier person. There is a saying, “Our greatest challenges can become our greatest blessings, not only for ourselves but to offer to others.” This is a reality in my life. For more information about yoga and online classes, visit, as well as Ramakrishna Ananda’s site,